Project Description
Are one of Australia’s largest oil & waste services. They specilize in waste management and cater for many large orginisations Australian wide. We were contacted early one morning to quickly create their logo design as they had been waiting 3 weeks from a previous designer. So we got stuck to the job and had created a few logo concepts and presented it to the client, LPS Waste Services were so pleased with our work they immedieitly found their logo in the 1st round of logo designs. We than got started on to designing the logo so it could fit on all of their oil tanker. After much designing and tweaking we came up with a sleek design for their tanker trucks and the client is very happy with both the designs and are now going ahead to use them and have them printed on all of their trucks Australia wide. So if you see an LPS tanker truck drive by, you know that it was designed by us. All of this was completed in 1 working day!Project Details
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